Ada Interpretations
Ada Interpretation Categories
The Ada Interpretations (AIs) describe issues with the Ada Reference Manual. The AIs fall into various categories:
These are AIs that propose an improvement to the wording to clarify its meaning
These are AIs that confirm that the existing manual implies a particular answer to a question
Binding Interpretation
These are AIs that correct a mistake in the original wording
These are AIs that propose a new feature of the language
AIs For Specific Versions
Here are the AIs that apply to the specified version of the Ada Reference Manual, with links to the ARG meetings in which they were discussed:
AIs under active development
The AIs listed below are in active development by the ARG.
When writing a new AI, copy AI22-0000-template into the New_AIs subfolder (see below) and give it a descriptive name, and send a note to the ARG e-mail list indicating it has been created. New AIs should be formatted as described here.